What anxiety means to me

Anxiety… it can impact on us in many ways and can take varying forms.The good news is that awareness is growing and permitting more open conversations about what it may be like to live with.


So, what would it be like to consider that a degree of anxiety is normal within everyday life? Perhaps controversially, I believe anxiety is often trying to tell us that something is out of kilter/balance in our life.


So how content do you feel with the decisions you make in our life? Do you feel you are living life in a genuine or authentic way? Or perhaps feel as though you have little control or are unable to make decisions? Holding these beliefs can lead us to living with intrusive and unhelpful thoughts resulting in you feeling powerless …


I have found that when life events or unsatisfying relationships are explored within a professional relationship, an increased understanding and healing takes place. This in turn, permits increased value of self, renewed self-confidence and positive changes to happen.


If you are experiencing anxiety, you may benefit from exploration within a trusting and safe relationship to look beneath the presenting symptoms. In addition to our therapeutically working together, I am able to bring in a range of coping strategies to help lessen the physical aspects associated with feelings of stress and anxiety.


Consider, what it would feel like for you to share your thoughts with someone who is trained to listen to you carefully in a non-judgmental and accepting way to gain deeper understanding and clarity…


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